Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Have you ever felt like you're stuck in purgatory? Stuck in the middle, not knowing whether if you're in or out, a winner or a loser, a professional or a nursing board failure? For months now, that's what I've been feeling. Stuck in this house with nothing to do, dreaming of happy days, flat broke, with dwindling sense of self-importance. Not to mention being single and bitter. While everybody's out there earning money and being what they've studied four years for, I'm stuck here in this shithole.

First the PRC said that, quite adamantly, there will be no retake. Then they scrapped that and said there will be an optional retake. But I'm not gonna retake an exam I already passed, what're you nuts? I thought that was the end of it, but wouldn't you know it? They kicked that optional's ass out of the window and said, "Oops, we guess that there'd be a retake after all! Sorry." We're like stupid dogs being told to roll over and sit and play dead at the same time until you don't know what to do, while they're up there laughing their asses off.

You run life's fucking hurdles and jump over its fucking obstacles; you look ahead, you plan, you dream of success, and hopefully things like this don't happen: things you can't take into calculation, things that you can't control. Just when you're that close to reaching what you've worked your ass off - fate suddenly intervenes and pulls a fast one on you, so you fall on your ass or land on your face and eat dirt.

You know, sometimes... life's one hell of a bitch.

(P.S. I hope they hang those responsible. Shit, I wouldn't mind hanging them myself!)

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