Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is the world going to end? Well, I need not ask. I know that the world will one day end. Everything eventually must, you know, one way or the other. It is inevitable. But will I live long enough to see it? I only dare ask for- I want to see it. It may be an utterly morbid and unbearably tragic a thing to want to witness, but I do, I want to see it. I was never there when the world began and so, at least, I want to be there when it ends. And I believe I will, sooner than everyone anticipated, already I am seeing the portentous manifestations of its beginnings.

The expediency of the world's demise is mainly due to our credit. I do not exactly know, and I do not pretend to assume, how we got here without an inkling where we were going, but here we are- knocking at the bleak gates of Global Warming, scratching our heads and trembling all over. Now, it may have been possible we could not have foreseen this, that we are, in a way, innocent; but surely there has been clear warnings in the past. It has taken such a ridiculously long time, but we are beginning to realize, and accept, that it is indeed possible: that we are, at present, baking our asses in an increasingly-pyretic, greenhouse gas-enriched atmosphere and putting into motion chain of consequences that will ultimately lead to, well- the end of the world!

Our hesitant realization and our meager amends has come, I fear, rather too late. Global Warming is irreversible. Nature itself would take hundreds of thousands of years to repair all the damages we have wrought. We can slow it, perhaps, but it cannot be stopped. We are sooner to exhaust all remaining fuels that we can drill out of the earth's bosom, in our blind drive for economic development and progress, than to make earnest and assertive efforts to avert our fate. Soon, we shall pay the consequences of our ignorance, our indifference, our indolence, our greed. We will reach the temperature 'tipping point'and the world will be engulfed in hellish unabating fever or nature will plunge it into a bitter eternal winter. Eitherway, the world shall end and, with it, so shall human civilization- and I will welcome it.

It is only justice for what we have excessively taken and ignored to give back.


Humans, behold your final outstanding achievement- you have reset the world!

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