Friday, June 20, 2008

The speedy depletion of my resources, as I have recently felt, urged me to look deeper into the state of my personal finances (the most annoying thing, for me at least, because it seems deceptively easy), which I have been dreading lest I discover irraparable disarray. The details of my stay here have greatly occupied my mind, with my review being the most confusing of all (what review center am I going, I do not yet know), that I have not paid enough attention to how quickly and glutonnously I was eating away at my meager weekly allowance—until I was stupidly scratching my head one early morning, utterly confounded, and, for a second, thought that one of the 'four horsemen' (my smoking roommates who have all left last Wednesday, thankfully) has pillaged the pockets of my pants. A cup of coffee calmed my frantic mind somewhat, for I was near panic then, and made me realized that it was indeed I who alone pillaged my poor pants—and thus forced me to assess, diagnose, and evaluate (as a true nurse might) my present situation and attempt, thenceforth, to put my financial affairs in order. The result of my painful analysis showed me that the damage is not yet severe and that it can be sorted out quite easily—with sacrifices made here and there. Consequently, I must live on little for the coming weeks and must avoid situations wherein spending is an unavoidable possibility, especially romantic ones (which are suddenly and amazingly in abundance, at the most inopportune of times). But no matter, I shall get on quite well, I believe, and the solution will not affect my studies nor my health at any rate—although I may have to give up on that computer chassis that I have been very interested in purchasing. Ah, well.

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