Tuesday, August 22, 2006

After the discussion between PRC and concerned parties over the matter of the leakage on August 15, with the PRC has acquiesced on a voluntary retake of the board examination, and I, perceiving that it was the end of the matter, henceforth went to back Cebu to apply for my registration. I went to see a friend, whom I have not seen for almost a year, after I have arrrived in Cebu, who was rather disappointed at my leaving the very afternoon since I only planned on staying in Cebu for a day. She decided in haste, and without much of my saying in it, that we are to roam around the city and spend much needed time together the rest of the afternoon along with our other college classmates, laughing excitedly all the time.

After joggling my schedule for the day, I left my friend with a promise to come back, and went to the PRC regional office. It was surprising, upon my arrival there, when the guard asked me what was my business there and I told him and he told me that I should have brought with me a uniform. What the hell for, I asked. And he said there was an oathtaking to be held there that day. I, having read the letter from the website and having the knowledge that the oathtaking should take place on August 22, and without a uniform, stood there scratching my head, staring bewildered at the hundreds of nurses with their immaculate white uniforms on standing in line looking all too giddy. How could I have known? I only arrived form Mindanao the very day!

The process of applying for my registration did not take long and I, deciding it was rather too early, went back to my friend's flat, and finding that the rest of my college classmates there already, disclosed my predicament. They, upon hearing this, turned to their cellphones and started asking friends of theirs for a uniform and a pair of white shoes I could borrow. But, with lunch approaching, and their efforts having no promising results, I decided to go out and buy a ticket back to Butuan. There was much argument in this that they asked me to stay for another day so that I can take the oathtaking. But with my finances being severely limited, I refused, despite their proposals to feed me and give me shelter for two more days (I simply could not).

My decision was final, I was to leave early that night, and so we went out together and visited places I have not the chance to visit during my previous stay in Cebu. Our classmate, who served as our trusted tourguide, dragged us into old churches, historic forts, took pictures with korean tourists (who seemed to be swarming this time of year), a monkey statue, a blind guitarist singing 'pretty woman', and stared and fingered and made silly fun of historical relics. After three hours of such, my friends were exhausted, and I could not wait to go home. I bid my farewell to them, after a light snack, with promises to drop by if I shall ever return, grabbed my bag headed for the ports. I was never really good at goodbyes. I decided to purchase a CD instead for Stella, having failed to find what she asked me to procure, which almost caused me to miss my boat.

Having boarded in the nick of time, lying comfortably on a mattress, with beddings this time, and even with the cool breath of the airconditioner of the 'tourist class' rather than the humid blast of the ocean wind mixed with the smell of grease and fuel down below, I could not help but think of my having missed the oathtaking. Hmm... what of that?

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