Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I have not expected my waiting to be this long. I have promised myself to never venture outside the house or see any of my college friends (for some ridiculous reason, now vague to me) until I have received word that I have passed and consequently, by virtue, certifying me as a registered nurse. I have not seen the city or downtown Butuan in four weeks since I've arrived from Cebu city; however, seeing that the results are apparently not in anyway inclined in being hasty to disclose itself - I decided to break that self-imposed imprisonment.

I could not write, for the past days and weeks, owing to the occasion of severe absence of something to write about. The monotony of daily life, and the boredom of waiting for nothing, has become intolerable. With this, I can do little. I cannot, considering that I have yet to secure a license, apply for a profession (or any job, since I've endeavoured to concentrate on passing subsequent exams) - and so I am trapped at our increasingly claustrophobic home, obliged to do mundane chores and tending the store while exercising all restraint to tolerate the occasional irritatingly dense, often rude, customers.

My brother has urged me to devote some of my overwhelmingly free time, like him, to some physical exertion in the hopes of breaking the insufferable cycle of inactivity and to put some mass to my otherwise slightly emaciated frame. It is an advice I gladly took, remembering the time when I was once in much better physical state. Although suffering from soreness in every muscle and joint since the previous week, it has worked wonderfully and now I'm in much livelier spirits.

Which is less than what I can say regarding the detested delay of the results.

Oh, fucking when?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice site. so, uhm, did you pass?