Sunday, July 09, 2006

A month now have passed, officially, since the day I, along with fourty thousand others, took part in the board examinations; yet, there is not a sign that the results of the aforementioned examinations will be released in the nearest foreseeable future, if ever it shall be released at all. A delay, if I have ever seen one, that is filling me, and the entirety of the examinees, with confusion and, unavoidably, with utmost vexation. I cannot deny that, expecting to be informed with the results within ten days or so, and being forced to wait for another ten days and another above that, stretched my patience to its breaking point so much that I could ravagely bite off a considerable piece of anyone's neck responsible for the delay and would not lose a sleep over it. Such is the extent of my frustration, and I would bet that I'm not the only one.

Being kept in the dark, half-anxious and half-baffled, by the utter silence of PRC about the said information is not helping the outrage of emotions across the entire country; however, I have resolved myself to be patient for a little longer - considering that this is a time unlike any other, for I am unaware of any incidence like this ever existed before. The said incident is the 'leakage' issue, involving a certain review center, that, even with simple deduction of a dimwit, is the sole cause for much of the accursed delay. Surprised and angered as I might over this abomination, if indeed it ever occured, interesting as it may be to find out, the who and how is not of my concern, at least not anymore. I have read and heard enough babble about it, and have been left sickened and disgusted by it, that I want no more than to see an end to the whole fiasco and be provided with the information I'm truly only concerned with - whether if I indeed passed or failed.

One must understand the importance of my knowing the outcome of the examination, as much to the thousands who participated in it, for it would determine what I must do and what is to become of me for the next six months, it is the culmination of four years of collegiate struggle, a defining moment for any nursing graduate, a rite of passage to practice as a nurse (and be paid as a nurse, of course). For now, I dare not think that I have failed in attaining my vocation, although some lingering thought of it is vaguely present somewhere at the back of my head. It is amazing to me that, though I would rather prefer to pass, I do not dread the prospect of failing as much as anyone faced with the possibility should. The matter is complicated (yet so trivial); even I can't comprehend it entirely. Perhaps it is some perverse wanting to experience defeat - to know the true sense of success. Perhaps.

Still, I need to know - and so I wait.

What else can I do?

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